My Background

My name is Michelle Dean, CEO and Founder of Michelle Dean Insurance & Financial Solutions.  I have been in the insurance industry since 2006.  I went out and started my own business at the age of 50!  It is never too late to go after your goals and dreams!  Many have told me during my lifetime that I couldn’t succeed at something I was trying to accomplish.  I am here to tell you to follow your heart, do what you are passionate about and never let someone else tell you what you can and cannot achieve.  I was abused as a child, spent 23 years in an abusive marriage and lived my life thinking I was never good enough. Until one day I listened to that voice in my heart that told me “I COULD”.  That day I listened, and I DID something to change my life.  God has always been a part of my life and I have no regrets for the journey my life has taken.  My experiences, both good and bad, have made me the strong, confident, and passionate woman I am today.  I have been in a loving relationship now for almost 17 years, have built an amazing business, live in a community I truly love, and get to do what I love EVERY single day.  If I can… so can you!

I have always had a passion for inspiring, supporting and educating women to achieve success.  As a business owner in the financial industry, knowing my client and understanding your definition of success is imperative to helping you with solutions that meet your needs.

I believe money is a tool without a manual.  Most of us aren’t taught (by someone who knows what they are doing) the proper ways to utilize this tool.  Per an article written by the NCOA (National Council on Aging) in September of 2022 poverty has increased among those age 65 and older from 8.9% in 2020 to 10.3% in 2021.

Per a special report, “Older Women and Poverty” done in December of 2018 by Justice in Aging, women represent nearly two-thirds of all individuals age 65 and over living in poverty. The challenges women face are different than those of men.  I specialize in working with women to help them overcome those challenges. 

Having a plan is half the battle!  Those who are living in poverty did not plan to fail they failed to adequately plan.